Lenny Bruce

20 Jun

I have to admit and, yes, I’m slightly ashamed of it that, despite being a comedian and being all knowledgeable about comedy and that, I have never seen anything by Lenny Bruce.   I have no idea how I have lived my 36 years without so much as a glimpse/ sound of the combined audio/visual of said Mr Bruce but, until chancing upon a clip on yourtube this very evening I was something of an ignoramus, re Bruce.

I believe, from speaking to other comedy folk, comedy folk who are infinitely cooler and more cleverer than wot I am, that the viewing of Lenny Bruce is something of a rite of passage for comedians.  Something that is extremely important.  Like breathing, almost.  And I have evolved gills.  Big, juicy comedy gills that have allowed me to extract comedy from the air around me, without the need to fill my lungs to bursting point with the refreshing, invigorating vapour of Bruce.

Enough of the bloody breathing analogies, back to pretending I know stuff about Lenny Bruce.  Actually, I know nothing.  But Wikipedia do, bless ’em

Shameless plug for places to buy his stuff – go on then, buy it.  I know I will.

And that’s about it from me.  I’m all worn out.

Zzzzz (snoring, like how they do in comics)

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